A Bad Hair Day

ABadHairDayA Shaker of Margaritas
A Bad Hair Day
Edited By L S Fisher

The Bad Hair Day anthology began with a call for humorous fiction stories about one of those days when life just doesn’t go according to plan. In fact, we wanted stories about a day as horrible as a bad perm or hair that turns green, unintentionally. Yet the female protagonist works though the challenging day with humor, stubbornness, and attitude.

The stories in this volume are an uplifting diversion for those days when Murphy’s Law rules. We can’t always avoid bad hair days, but laughter is truly the best defense.

So if you’re having one of those bad days, get out that shaker of margaritas and curl up with A Shaker of Margaritas: A Bad Hair Day and let the laughter begin.

Some snippets from A Bad Hair Day:

Some of the dye had dripped onto her face, leaving dark gray splotches on her skin—a speckled reminder that black hair dye is not for sissies. Or the sloppy at heart.
Libby the sloppy sissy stared. Hair to the Max – Lisa Ricard Claro

“I will break this door down,” the intruder said.
“Oh, shut up,” I yelled back. “We’re having a discussion. No-Hair Day – E. B. Davis

The crossing guard backed slowly into the street without looking right or left. He held the sign like a shield. He was apparently petrified by the green faced woman. Hairspray – Linda Fisher

“Will the ants die?”
“I guess so.” They probably won’t die at all, Sharon mused. They’ll just go deeper into the ground and come up later somewhere else, like husbands’ bad habits. Sunday Afternoon – Mary Laufer

The authors:

Edgar Bailey, Beth Carter, C. J. Clark, Steven Clark, Lisa Ricard Claro, Mary Ann Corrigan
E. B. Davis, Linda Fisher, Harriett Ford, Karin Frank, Cathy C. Hall
Theresa Hupp, Jodie Jackson & Caroline Dohack, Mary Laufer, Suzanne Lilly
Mary Ellen Martin, Carolyn Mulford,  Betsy Murphy
Linda O’Connell, Kathy Page, Sioux RoslawskiHarriette Sackler, Rosemary Shomaker, Michelle Tom

This title is Available at: Amazon.com
This title(eBook for Kindle) also available at: Amazon(Kindle)

List Price: $10.99
ISBN/EAN13: 0984438572/978-0-9844385-7-0
Page Count: 210
Binding Type: US Trade Paper
Trim Size:6″ x 9″
Language: English
Color: Black and White